CAM files
PCB Manufacturing
For over 10 years C-Alley has been a leading provider of gerber viewing, editing and CAM software. Now C-Alley’s main service turn PCB assembly into PCB Design with special functions.
We use CAM350 to edit & view Gerber files, and make production files.
The data files used directly in the manufacture of printed wiring. The file types are: (1) Gerber files, which control a photo-plotter. (2) NC Drill file, which controls an NC Drill machine. (3) Fabrication drawings in Gerber, HPGL or any other electronic format. Hard copy prints may be available also. CAM files represent the final product of PCB design. These files are given to the board house which further refines and manipulates CAM in their processes, for example in step- and-repeat panelization